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Get the Most out of Life


These Healing Sessions are a blend process I use to help people get unstuck.  The blend process consists of packaged sessions using Coaching questions to get to the root of the challenge, Hypnosis to suggest a change in perceptions and behaviors (if needed), and Energy Healing to heal and clear blocks in the clients energy field (if needed). Each package consists of multiple sessions full of powerful healing at the conscious and subconscious level, giving clients the tools needed to overcome challenges, get unstuck and live the life they truly desire. Sessions can be done online and/or in person.

Imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, energy, and excitement every day!

Who Can The Sessions Help?

  • Anyone who feels they are stuck in a rut.

  • Those who are ready to succeed.

  • If you want to be healthier and find your balance.

  • If you feel tired of not living the life you want.

  • If you need direction or if the direction you are going on is not what was expected.

  • If you are feeling like you are lacking motivation to go after your dreams or just to get out of bed.

  • If fear has taken control over your life and impedes you from living life to the fullest.

  • If stress has become the norm.  If stress is affecting your health and relationships.

  • If you want to overcome obstables and challenges easier and naturally without crisis.

  • If self-esteem keeps you from happiness, relationships, or jobs you desire.

  • If anxiety, depression or irritability have taken over and dictate your days and life experiences.

  • It can help those who want to commit to themselves and show up.

  • If you want to make positive changes in your life.

  • It can help those who are just living through the days but not LIVING.

Are you feeling stuck? Not moving forward with what you really want out of life?

Tired of not feeling your best?

Do you want to be more confident and more successful?

Hypnosis can help.


Hypnosis is a natural state of enhanced learning and creativity. I help you tap into your subconscious to resolve old challenges and create new opportunities. The process will guide you to master yourself, learn to be mindful, be creative, and successful in things you want to do. 


Hypnosis can help you overcome limitations, live with less stress and make lasting changes. 

I can help you feel your best. 

Marcus Aurelius

“Our life is what our thoughts make it”

Your Questions Answered



Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness in which you are guided into deep relaxation and are highly responsive to suggestions (instructions) and directions.  Hypnosis is the same state of mind you experience while reading a very interesting book, driving a car or right before you fall asleep. Under this natural state of mind, a hypnotist is able to suggest changes in learned behaviors or perceptions in order to achieve your goals. While hypnotized, your conscious mind takes the back seat while your subconscious mind takes over.  Because your conscious mind is not in the forefront, all judgement is absent. While absent, the hypnotist can suggest the desired changes of perception and learned behaviors allowing shifts to take place. 

While Hypnotized, you are always in control.  You can open your eyes if you desire, in actuality, all your senses are heightened. Suggestions given by the hypnotist will only work if client complies with the suggestions given.  Therefore hypnotists cannot make you believe or do anything you would not like to. Hypnosis can't be done without your consent, for all hypnosis is self hypnosis.  But!  If you are ready and want to make a change, hypnotists can plant seeds, reframe issues and help you break through patterns, fears, challenges, and unwanted behaviors.  Because these patterns or learned behaviors are a cause of multiple experiences through out your life, often more than one session is needed to resolve. 

The first step is having the willingness and make the decision to let go of what is holding you back from living the life you want. Once you are willing to let go, open yourself to the possibilities of what can be.  Are you ready to let go and allow change? Hypnosis can help you change your life!


Hypnosis is a natural state of mind we experience everyday.  During hypnosis the client is in control and aware at all times.  No one can get stuck in hypnosis.  Although superficial inhibitions maybe lowered, people under hypnosis will not say or do anything that they do not wish to, or that contradicts their sense of what is right.  A hypnotized client will not access suppressed information he or she is not ready to deal with.


If you are mentally healthy and are willing to be hypnotized then you can be hypnotized.  Certain disorders and some medications may affect the hypnosis process.  Some people convince themselves before hand that hypnosis will not work for them, creating a block to the process.


During Hypnosis you are able to speak, answer questions, and recall events that may have been forgotten by your conscious mind.  After hypnosis you can remember everything you "see" or think while in the hypnotic trance state. You are neither asleep nor in a fully awake state.  You are in control at all times.


Coaching sessions provide a space of reflection to open the individuals' eyes, minds and hearts to self discovery, mindfullness and change.  Coaching can help you get you where you wanna go. It connects your inner purpose and passion to outer goals and strategies to bring about extraordinary and sustainable results. Coaching will provide the individual with the tools necessary to support and enforce the changes needed to achieve the goal at hand.  Coaches don't give advice or tell you what to do. You have all the answers inside you. As a coach I guide you to find them. We are partners!​

As a Life/Wellness Coach, I will support you by providing guidance, encouragement, and holding you accountable to your word.  During our sessions we will discuss your goals in a way that will bring clarity to your desires and intentions. You will find ways of accomplishing your desires at your terms and at your pace. This approach creates a sense of peace in knowing you are following your heart.


Since most of this program occurs outside of our sessions, mainly your everyday life, the results are really up to you. You can create what you want, just take action! Let's see what those steps items are, one step at a time.


As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I am your personal advocate for living an energized and passionate life. I work with my clients to help them create happy, healthy lives in a way that is flexible, fun and free of denial or guilt.  By working together, we can discover the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. Making gradual, life long changes enables you to reach your current and future health goals.

It's rare for anyone to get an hour to work on improving their health with a trained professional. Join me for a health consultation to discuss your unique situation and determine how I can help you reach your personal goals. I am here to create a supportive environment while exploring what really works for you.​


Energy Healing helps heal by clearing blocks in the energetic fields. Clearing the blocks re-balances and re-aligns the energies in your body, allowing it to flow and heal.  

It is done by channeling the flow of Universal Life energy into the clients' body through the palms of the hands.  Universal Life Energy is the force that sustains all there is; all organs, cells, tissue, and blood. Chinese refer to the life force as chi or qi, Hindus call it prana, Greeks know it as pneuma, Japanese refer to it as ki.


  • Clear energy blocks so you can “move forward”

  • Clear old beliefs that no longer serve you

  • Gain clarity and insight

  • Awaken your intuition, and connection to your spirit guides and your life path

  • Let go of fear

  • Re-energize

  • Remove toxic energies

  • Reduce stress, worry, doubt, anger, anxiety, negative self-talk

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